CWOP Information for FW4823 (F4823) in Santa Fe, NM, US

The following information is known about FW4823. If you think that any information is incorrect, then please follow the instructions for correcting that data item.

It is possible that this page will report a problem where no problem exists. If you believe that this has happened, then please contact me (address at the bottom of this page) and explain clearly why you think this page is in error. Note that any changes that you make may take a few days to show up here, so please give it a week before commenting.

Registered Location

Latitude: 35° 39' 30" N (deg min sec), 35.6583° (decimal), 3539.50N (LORAN)
Longitude: 105° 58' 41" W (deg min sec), -105.9780° (decimal), 10558.68W (LORAN)
Elevation: 2068 metres (6784 feet) -- validated against 2065 metres (6775 feet) from Geonames
Location: Santa Fe, NM, US
County: Santa Fe, NM
Forecast Office: Albuquerque (ABQ)
Weather station Manager/Operator: David
Station type/software: Davis Vantage Pro 2/Vue with Weatherlink-IP

The site location should be at the mark shown -- or very close.

If the displayed location (or elevation) of the weather observing location is incorrect, please drag the marker to the right location (or click in the right location), and then send the updated information. Please note that we are trying to spot either the Stevenson Screen (or equivalent) or the location where the barometric readings are taken.

NOTE: The Registered Location is the location that the station owner provided when they signed up with CWOP.

There are no photographs of the station. If you are the site operator and have pictures of this location, then please email them to

You can try to find photographs from the area surrounding the site marker by clicking on Find nearby photographs.

APRS Status

No data has been seen recently. Please check at to see if your data is being seen there.

Weather data was seen at around 36 days ago on 2024-12-30.

A recently received report from this station was


If this is not a weather report, then your station may not be transmitting weather reports, and this may be the problem. Check the recent reports at to see if any look like weather reports.

A reasonably recent weather report (36 days ago) received from this station was

Neighboring Stations

This is a list of stations that are close to this station.

You can also subscribe to an RSS feed to tell you when new stations come online in this area. Choose either within 100 miles or 250 miles . For stations covered by your Forecast Office: Albuquerque (ABQ) .

FW65302.2 milesEast Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.6488°, long -105.9407°, altitude 2121 metres) (data present)
DW25842.3 milesNortheast Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.6823°, long -105.9490°, altitude 2120 metres) (data present)
NR5ON-132.7 milesNortheast Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.6933°, long -105.9587°, altitude 2102 metres) (data present)
GW04353.1 milesNorthwest Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.7000°, long -106.0000°, altitude 2093 metres) (data present)
FW65963.3 milesNorthwest Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.7002°, long -106.0043°, altitude 2103 metres) (data present)
DW94254.4 milesSouthwest Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.6248°, long -106.0437°, altitude 1955 metres) (data present)
FW84964.9 milesNorth Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.7248°, long -106.0083°, altitude 2103 metres) (data present)
EW57265.5 milesNortheast Santa Fe, NM, US (lat 35.6900°, long -105.8880°, altitude 2256 metres) (data present)
FW141416.5 milesNorthwest WHITE ROCK, NM, US (lat 35.8190°, long -106.1948°, altitude 1930 metres) (data present)
FW910216.9 milesSoutheast Glorieta, NM, US (lat 35.5286°, long -105.7237°, altitude 2346 metres) (data present)

Location Formats

The location is shown in three different formats. Each of these is used in some software, and is shown on some websites.

Degrees Minutes Seconds: VWS/VWSAPRS, WeatherLink 5.5, WeatherLink (5.2-5.4), WeatherView (Linux)

Decimal degrees: FreeWX, WeatherView32 (PC application)

LORAN: WeatherDisplay, WUHU, Henriksen WServer


CWOP Home: This describes the whole CWOP program and has a large amount of useful information.

CWOP Siting Guide (PDF): This is a guide to siting and operating a CWOP station. This is a must-read document.

Another CWOP Guide (PDF): This is another guide to siting and operating a CWOP station. This is a must-read document.

Urban Siting and Operations (PDF): This is a guide to siting and operating a CWOP station in an urban environment.

APRS WX Message format: This describes the actual format of the messages transmitted that carry WX information.

WXQC Mailing List: This is a mailing list where data quality issues are discussed. Assistance with software configuration can often be found here.

Topo Map Reading Guide: How to read USGS topographic maps, with a good section on reading contours.

Geographically nearby web pages: Use Geourl to find web pages that deal with locations geographically close to this site.

Overall website comments, problems etc to Philip Gladstone
Page layout last modified Sunday, 28 February 2016
Questions for this weather station owner/operator to David
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